Dark Eldar Vs SpaceWolfs (Battle Report)

Hello guys,

This is actually my first attempt to write down a battle report (for what i remember from the battle), so don’t be harsh to me 🙂

Game Type: 2 contest points, Spearhead

Army’s: Dark Eldar Vs Spacewolfs (1750 pts)

This is the army list i used for that game, the only diff is that my venom squad was not a SC/ShC but a 4 x Blaster Squad.

My friends SpaceWolf’s list was the following:


Rune Priest (Murderous hurricane, Jaws of the Wolf)

Rune Priest (jaws of the wolf, living lightning)

Rune Priest (living lightning, murderous hurricane)


8 x Strong Gray Hunters (Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) In Rhino

7 x Strong Gray Hunters (Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) In Rhino

7 x Strong Gray Hunters (Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) In Rhino


3 x Strong Wolf Guards (3 x Power Fist, 3 x Combi-melta)


5 x Strong Long Fangs Pack

Razorback, TL Lascannon

5 x Strong Long Fangs Pack

Razorback, TL Lascannon


4 x Strong Thunderwolf Cavalry (Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Boltgun)

2 x Land Speeder Tornado (Multimelta Heavy Flamer)


I won the roll so i had to pick a side and start the deployment. For drugs i rolled 2 and 5 which i picked the + 1 WS.

Dark Eldar’s: I place the 20 Warrior squad (with 2 x Spliter Cannons) in the ruins for some cover and I did the same with most of my raider’s, ravager’s and venom (5+ from FF is good but 4+ is even better). I kept in reserve the incubi unit.

SpaceWolf’s: On the other side of the table 2 long fang squad’s ( with 4x missile launcher and a “commander like” each) took place in the ruined building. 2 rhinos deployed in front of the 2 razorback’s to give them some cover’s. The 2 Land Speeder The Rhino with the 9 Troops and The Thunderwolf Cavalry kept in Reserve.

– ROUND 1 –

Dark Eldar: Spacewolf’s failed to steal first round. Deciding to move forward would have been crezy i guess. ( 8 missiles that can pick 4 different targets, 2 TL Lascannons and 2 Rune Priests and 2 land speeders on reserve was waiting for me there) so i reconsider and i pulled all raiders back and i send a wych squad on the other side of the table cover. That was all for me cos nothing was in range to shoot.

SpaceWolf: Both Rhinos and Razorbacks moved 6″ forwards hoping to be in range. luckily for me nothing was in range to hit my vehicle but 2 Long Fang missiles reached my warrior squad and killed 3 models.

– ROUND 2 –

Dark Eldar:

Reservation roll failed on 3.

Movement: It was time for me to start moving and get some positions, the wych squad that was at the other side of the table moved in to cover while the Haemonculus detached from them telling them don’t dare to die cos you will all wake up as Wrack’s (ewww). The Trueborn / Venom Squad moved to wych’s raider spot having total cover. Raider moved forward so some of them can be in range and start the shooting ( but i don’t know what i was thinking at this time and i failed miserable at moving them in a proper range ).

Shooting: The raider that transferred the wych’s to the other side of the table tried to pop the razorback but nothing happened. The disintegrator Ravager shot at the rhino hoping to see some 6″s but no luck there either. all the rest raider / ravager was no in range to shot.


3 out of 4 reserved unit’s joined the battle, The rhino, The Thunderwolf Cavalry and one Land Speeder.

Movement: Rhino tried to move in to difficult terrain (where wych’s was) and got immobilized, the troops disembark and move in to cover. The Thunderwolfs moved right outside of the difficult terrain and flee in to cover. The land Speeder moved 12 from the table edge heading towards the disintegrator Ravager. One of the rhinos moved 12″ from where it was towards my warrior squad and used smoke while the other rhino moved just 6″. Both razorbacks took better shooting place.

Shooting: It was time for the wolfs to show their teeth, and so they did. A single shot from the razorback (shooting back the wych raider that shoot him) was enough to wreck my empty raider. The Gray Hunters squad frustrated from the rhino’s driver skills focused shooting the wych’s, getting 15 shots from Murderous hurricane plus rapid fire from troop ( i can’t remember how many shots in total). Scared as they were ( from Haemonculus last words) only 3 died out of 8 (that was actually cover and FNP :p). The disintegrator ravager got immobilized from Land Speeder.

Assaulting: Only one assault happened in that turn and that was the Thunderwolf Cavalry who charged the lonely Haemonculus (and you know was happened to him…).

– ROUND 3 –

Dark Eldar:

Reservation roll failed with 2.

Movement: The Trueborn squad moved back/away from the Gray hunter squad that was on foot but also be in range to give some shooting. Both Dark Lance ravagers move few inch back to make sure they are not in range from the razorbacks. wych’s tried to move one floor down from the current position but i forgot i had murderous hurricane on them and i took some dangerous terrain saves cos of that. luckily i saved them all !!! they were about to assault the Thunderwolf’s but after taking the dangerous terrain saves i changed my mind and kept them still cos i knew wolfs will come for them.

Shooting: It was dark Eldar time to shoot (and they do that pretty good when they want to). YOUR SOUL IS MINE shout out the 3rd disintegrator controller from the ravager while he was exploding the Land Speeder. Both Dark Lance ravagers shoot at the smoked rhino but all they did was to immobilize it and shaken it. The Venom’s SC ‘s manage to allocate 3 wound’s to the thunderwolf squad !!!. Wych’s tried to shoot the Gray hunters but all shots got saved !!! finally the 2 SC’s from the 20 man squad was in range to give some shots on the thunderwolfs unit and all they manage was 1 wound, taking all models down to 1 wound.


Reservation roll for last Land speeder failed.

Movement: The Long Fang squads start moving closer to the targets. The Thunderwolf squad moved forward heading to wych’ while the troop squad moved through cover. The immobilized rhino (the one in the middle of the table) rolled 6 and got repaired and the Rune priest disembarked alone from it while the other rhino failed repair. Both razorbacks moved forward getting in range for some more shooting.

Shooting: The lonely disembarked rune priest shot the Venom and stun it for that turn. The razorback immobilized the Disintegrator Ravager and the rune priest destroyed one of the cannons.  Long Fangs couldn’t shoot cos they have moved so they decide to roll a run.

Assault: Thunderwolf’s rolled a 6″ on assault and charge the whych’s. Whyc’s hit first due to high initiative kill 2 Wolf’s. Wolf’s stroke back doing 7 wound’s but my hekatrix and one more failed realy bad on both saves and byebye to them, the unit got locked.

– ROUND 4 –

Dark Eldar:

Reservation roll failed again on 1.

Movement: My movement on that turn was limited cos both Disintegrator ravager and Venom was immobilized/Stunned. So i disembark the Trueborn’s and move them a bit away from the venom.

Shooting: The disintegrator ravager shot the 2 remaining cannons to the gray hunter squad that was close, managing to kill just 1 guys. The trueborns had no target to shot and i forgot to make them run… The 2 Dark Lance ravagers shot again the rhino hoping this time to make it go boom but again all they did was to immobilize it again.

Assault: It was time for the wych’s to call the assault and the 3 remaining of them failed to wound the 2 remaining wolf’s. The wolf’s stroke back and killed 2 out of 3 and made 1 wych to run ! wolf’s consolidate to venom side.


Last reservation (Land Speeder) joined the fight.

Movement: The “fresh” land speeder moved 24″ from the edge of the table towards to my 20 man warrior squad. The rhino at the back moved backwards so the troops can be close to the contest point while both of the razorback’s moved forward.

Shooting: The razorback aimed well on the disintegrator ravager but all it could do was ti immobilize it. The other razorback immobilized one of the 2 Dark lance ravagerss. Unfortunately for the spacewolfs the long fang squads was still not in range cos of night shields !!! Both rhinos failed to repair and stayed immobilized.

Assault: The Thunderwolfs attacked the empty stunned venom and scored 2 penetrations. I was lucky on that and saved both on 5+ !!!

– ROUND 5 –

At this point the game was a clear TIE. Unfortunately my friend had to go and pick up some friends that they were waiting for him. so round 5 was kinda fast.

Dark Eldar:

Finlay Incubi squad joined the game !!!

Movement: The incubi raider moved 12″ for the table edge in a straight line to enemy contest point, they disembark and flee towards the rhino that was in front of the contest point. Venom moved away from the 2 remaining Thunderwolfs and got ready to shoot.

Shooting: The venom fired to the thunderwolfs in combination with 1 remaining blaster trueborn to make sure that none will survive, and they succeed. one of the dark lance ravagers had visual to the turbo boosted land speeder. luckily for the land speeder  he saved a penetration! The incubi raider fired on the rhino that was in front of the enemy contest point but failed to hit.


Movement: As i said, that round was fast so few things happened. The Land speeder turbo boosted again near my contest point. both rhinos failed to repair. The rhino on the other side of the table moved 6 in order to make some space for disembarkation. The gray hunters from the rhino disembarked and moved forward to incubi so they can be in rapid fire range.

Shooting: The rune priest, gray hunter’s squad and 3 models from one of the two long fang squad fire to incubi killing 3 guys.

Assault: My friend decides to no assault cos there was a chance of losing the combat and give me the opportunity to get a consolidation movement and be approach the contest point with a good roll. (well-played)

There was not 6th round cos a roll of 2 end it. It was an interesting game and i am thinking of making some changing on my current list!

Thank you for reading it and i hope you liked my first battle report 😀

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